canteen's blog

Palworld II

Played some more Palworld today. It's fun, but I lost interest when I figured out I needed to move my base by hand. The new location also had a bunch of pathing issues, so even though it had the ore I desperately needed to build anything at all (ore is very heavy and there is no production building for it, this is a very poor design choice) it would have been very tedious to live there. The later battles are also all very slow (enemies are tough, even if you outlevel the bosses it'll be very hard), even if you set the difficulty so that enemies do less damage to you and you do more damage to them it is in my learned opinion not so good. Compound that with the frankly very slow travel speed (even with speedhack on! Just insane) and I just don't have the energy for it anymore.

That said, you can probably find a few hours of nice play time in it while you get to the point where the game is essentially too tedious to continue! So if you have game pass you might have some fun with it. I wouldn't pay more than ten euros for it in it's current state.

#game #review