canteen's blog

the tyranny of structure

Structure is in my opinion terrible. When folks are young everything is fun and interesting, and most things do not have a structure or planning. This helps keep things fun and keeps the mental hurdle for dropping things low.

Then you get older, and it all goes to hell. You have responsibilities, you need structure. You are saddled with all this baggage and if you feel bad about it stuffed with pills. When you look at it from a distance, modern life is just depressing. It's not a disorder to feel that way, but a manifestation of the child that you once were crying in the back of your head.

So be a bit nicer to yourself. Make plans, but drop them halfway if they get boring. Don't make plans at all. Buy some candy on impulse. Spend a little less time thinking about the fiscally responsible thing and learn to live as a child again. Maybe you will have fun!
